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Blazon Globe Technology is an IT firm which specialises in Communication and Security Technology. We offer Product and Services in the following areas: Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Installation & Management, Home Security System, Digital Marketing, Web Designing, ICT Gadget Sales, Web Platforms Training, Business Consultancy, Blog Management.
06 NOV 2017


In the Quinquagenary, Nigeria has been dependent on its oil resources, which unarguably have brought great wealth to selected few in the country. The oil resources however brought along with it redundancy to Nigerians in exploring other available resources. Nevertheless, as Nigeria’s economic changes, its economic structure diversifies to overcome its dependency on oil. This shift has led to the emergency of a new generation of entrepreneurs in Nigeria. People, who can identify business opportunities in Nigeria, know that the oil industry is not the only business that is highly profitable. Some businesses have been identified to be highly profitable yielding millions of naira. Some of these businesses are listed below;

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05 SEPT 2018

Newcomer investors flood Nigeria venture capital market

The early-stage/venture capital market in Nigeria is still largely, a buyer’s market and we suspect that this trend will persist through 2018. However, there are two important factors that are driving a market shift on the sell-side. Tech founders are now more familiar with the VC model and with the commercial expectations of VC investors.
The resulting alignment of interest is critical and good for the market because it means deals should close faster and exits can be pursued more vigorously. However, this increasing familiarity is also driving new questions around whether or not VC is a good fit for the market. Tech founders still have significant concerns around losing control of their companies or been unduly pressured by VC investors.

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05 SEPT 2018

The Letter from an Entrepreneur

Business is what I have grown up to know and understand. It quite complicated but easy to run once you are smart and determine (sacrifice) which might be costly at times but every decision on risk either led positive or negative. Nigeria and Africa at large is said to be currently developing which means they lack somethings the other part of the world possess which create need, Nigeria as my country suffered so many things and some of it is the economic challenges which is why investors have been on and off in our capital market. Many do not know that Nigeria is fertile because once they come in they face hardship which is normal for any business coming into a new market.

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