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Blazon Globe Technology is an IT firm which specialises in Communication and Security Technology. We offer Product and Services in the following areas: Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Installation & Management, Home Security System, Digital Marketing, Web Designing, ICT Gadget Sales, Web Platforms Training, Business Consultancy, Blog Management.
06 NOV 2017

The Letter from an Entrepreneur

Business is what I have grown up to know and understand. It quite complicated but easy to run once you are smart and determine (sacrifice) which might be costly at times but every decision on risk either led positive or negative. Nigeria and Africa at large is said to be currently developing which means they lack somethings the other part of the world possess which create need, Nigeria as my country suffered so many things and some of it is the economic challenges which is why investors have been on and off in our capital market. Many do not know that Nigeria is fertile because once they come in they face hardship which is normal for any business coming into a new market. I have taken my time to do some research in Nigeria Capital Market and I can assure that the most profitable sector currently in Nigeria is the Information Communication Technology & Security Sector. Recently our Nation spent more than 300B Billions Dollars in acquiring Security and IT Gadget. If my Nation is worst and it economy is so woeful like indicated by world economy trend, Look information of how much my law makers earn annually compare to others in the world, how many Diaspora who have their business running in the country who prefer to stay outside because of it living condition ( Security) Your Organization can not just only make fortune from Nigeria but increase it growth and legacy. Your Organization is to come in as a partnership company with the governmental body which gives you access into knowing many government officials, i.e. a company who wants to aid the country in building it youth by giving them world class I.T engineering skills. Yes it is easy for you to pull the string because surely your organization would have worked with a Nigerian before that I don’t need to make findings of. Nigerians are in every country in the whole world in our search for a convenient environment where we can easily make money as young adult and then come back home and create our dream business which we cannot harness if we stay back in our country. I am one of them who seek for this opportunity but I wish to do it in a different in a way where it would affect not just me but my generation and my country at large. I am of full confidence and certainty if I should come to your country and work in any organization within the space of 5 years, I will rise to the top and the organization with me. Even if i decide to create a start-up it would take me not more than 7 years to become a Medium Scale (for Tax purposes) in the international market. All I need is just one connection and the business boom. I am a Business Expert, currently the C.E.O of a small start-up business which has been doing fine. It quite awful to say that my Country environment is not only choking me but trying to wind me up with it different uncomfortable people ideology. If you are not a big company or medium scale, you are not a company.


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